Mint leaves have been used as a digestive aid thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, Greek, and Romans. More recently Mint leaves, mint tea and menthol products like mint oil, mint capsule have been used as a folk remedy or food supplements for vomiting, respiratory infections, menstrual problems and natural remedy for insomnia. The power of Mint leaves come from it precious Mint leaves elements with 3% of Dietary fiber, 9% Vitamin A, 2% Vitamin C, 7% Iron, 2% Calcium, 2% Magnesium, 3% Folate, 1% Copper and 6% Manganese. Mint also has the great source of protein, Thiamin, and Niacin.
Mint is very good at curing dyspepsia, gasses, nausea, body aches and pain nervous, fatigue, tension and headaches, muscle soreness and pain, itching, sunburn, and clearing nasal congestion.
What are the benefits of Mint leaf tea?
Nausea and headaches
A refreshing mint scent is a powerful medicine to treat nausea. Smell the aroma of mint oil or fresh mint leaves so nausea is reduced. Mint leaves also can reduce the vomiting of women at gestation periods and motion sickness.
The ancient Greek believed that mint could invigorate the mind and refresh the blood. Mint leaves can be used as a remedy for headaches when you applied topically by mint soothing effects.
Supporting Digestive system
Drinking herbal mint tea reduces irritated bowel syndromes, gallstone and cleanses the stomach. A teaspoon of honey in lukewarm fresh mint tea can check tummy aches/distension and stomach ulcers.
Respiratory disorders
The aroma of fresh mint is very effective relief of respiratory congestion by opening up the nose, throat, and lungs. Mint can also help to overcome a cough. The use of mint on a regular basis can help people with asthma by providing relaxation and helping to relieve breathing.
Natural remedy for insomnia
Mint leaves are also used as an old traditional way of natural cures for insomnia. According to the ehow website, we can brew¼ tsp. dried chamomile flower, ¼ tsp. dried peppermint dried leaves and ¼ tsp. dried strawberry leaf with 4 cups of boiling water in 20 minutes to cure insomnia. The mint leaves and chamomile are good for the respiratory system and also helps you to clear and calm your mind.
Clear the acne and improve skin problems
Mint has strong antiseptic qualities and menthol compresses were used in the past to cure inflammatory skin disease and herpes. Mint can be used to soothe and calm skin that’s itchy or infected and even use to heal bites from mosquitoes, wasps, and bees. Because Mint contains a high content of salicylic acid so it can act as antipruritic agent and prevent acne. The salicylic acid in mint leaves loosens up dead skin cells, allowing them to shed easier. Therefore clogged pores and you will have clear skin with fewer pimples. Besides Mint may strengthen skin tissues and help reduce oily skin with the high amount of Vitamin A (9%) in mint.
What are the side effects of Mint leaves?
Mint is considered safe when taken by non-allergic people in normal doses. But if you are sensitive to mint or its components you should stop using mint and avoiding mint in all forms to prevent recurrence. These are some allergic reactions to mint:
- Skin hives and Eczema
- Nasal Congestion and runny nose along with watering of eyes
- Tingling around the mouth and lips and sudden numbness of area where the mint contacts the skin
- Abdominal cramps and diarrhea
- Headaches which can result in severe migraines
- Clogging of the sinuses
Mint may increase symptoms of acid reflux disease and hiatal hernia; people with these conditions are advised to avoid the herb. People with gallstones or liver damage should also use caution when using Mint leaves.
When applied mint leaves or menthol product directly to the skin, it can cause irritation. Mint oil and menthol products should not be applied to the nose or face of an infant or small child since they could cause trouble breathing.
Acid-reducing medicines may allow enteric-coated mint to be released before it leaves the stomach, which may reduce its effect on an irritable bowel.
If you use Mint oil or any kind of menthol products, remember that they may interact with other medicines as well. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist about all medicines and supplements that you are taking when buying menthol products.
How to use mint leaves and menthol products?
Mint leaves are best to pick during early morning hours in spring. If you need to dry it, first rinse it under cool, running water. Then place it in cool, dark place. To keep it fresh for 3-4 days, store it in the refrigerator. Mint or spearmint which is kept in sealed packages can maintain its aroma. Never buy it in bulk.
Common dosages are 1 to 2 capsules 3 times a day for irritable bowel syndrome; 1 tablespoon of leaves in a cup of boiling water for tea, 2 or 3 times a day; 3 to 4 drops in hot water for inhalation; 1% to 5% essential oil for nasal ointments; and 5% to 20% essential oil for other ointments applied to the skin.
– Myrsini, Lambraki. ‘‘Herbs, Greens, Fruit: The key to the Mediterranean diet’, p. 37, 1999
– Nutrition data. ‘‘Nutrition facts: Spearmint, fresh(Mint)’’,, 16 September 2013
– Ehow Contributor. ‘‘How to use peppermint to cure Insomnia?’’, 16 September 2013
– Aida, Duncan. ‘‘Improveskin with mint’’,, 16 September 2013
thot4food, ‘’Mint allergy’’,, 11 July 2011,
–,‘‘Peppermint’’,, 28 November 2008